Best@Shah Alam: Born&Bred 4: Farah Hani: A good life decades in the making Section 22 By Viktor Chong viktorchong@thestar.com.my Who? Farah Hani Adnan Length of stay? 21 years W ith a cherubic smile on her face, PayNet assistant manager Farah Hani Adnan recounts her university experience about Shah Alam.
“It’s really easy to get from places to places, especially with the ample amount of mini bus running around town with a fair of around 60 sen,” she said.
Farah has already been staying in Shah Alam for over 21 years, starting from the year 1996 until now.
Currently a proud owner of a condo unit in section 22, Farah has little to complain about Shah Alam, except the increasing traffic congestion and the occasional floods in the area, especially when it rains heavily.
According to Farah, Shah Alam has always been associated with three things, cats, roundabouts and public phones.
“There are cats everywhere, especially in the small shop-lots and eateries nearby,” she said, adding that the roundabouts in Shah Alam could also create confusion for the visitors.
Farah mentioned convenience as part of the perks of living in Shah Alam, citing the Guthrie and KESAS highway as some of the roads to be used to get to nearby prominent shopping centres.
She said that she purchased her condo unit at a price of RM134,000 during the year 2006.
“Now, the prices for similar houses have tripled,” said Farah.
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